Monday, June 1, 2009

VBS and crawling!!

This is our VBS week its Sunday through Thursday from 6-9 p.m. so it's going to be a very busy and LONG week. I'm helping my mom teach the 2 & 3's which the only kid we have is Austin which he's enough. He really gets into the music. Hannah's having a great time too!! She already knows all the songs since Mr. Frank has played them on Wed. nights. I'm taking my camera tonight to take pictures and of course videos.

Noah is now a CRAWLER!! I can't believe it. We went and got groceries this morning and so I brought the kids in and put Noah on the floor and when I was coming in to drop off some groceries he was crawling all around like he's been doing it forever. Right when I was going to take a video of course he starts getting fussy he was tired and hungry. So I'll have to get a video of him later.


Motsy said...

Wow! Good job, Noah! That's so great! I'd love to see a video so keep it handy!