Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Noah crawling and my feelings on Jon & Kate

I'm not judging Jon and Kate I have no right to do so but I think its time to turn off the camera's its been time for them to that for a long time. They are going to take a break till August 3rd and then they start back with new episodes. I don't think they can live how they are living without having the show and with them not having any other jobs. They are supposed to do 40 shows in Season 5 and so far they've had 6 I believe.

The tabloids are making it out as Jon is the bad guy yeah I don't think so. Yes he's making poor and stupid choices but Kate has treated him like crap and Kate isn't making great choices either. I think they should have shut off the cameras and tried to work on there marriage in private. That would have been wise since they have the kids interest at heart so they say.

When the show first started it was good I actually liked to watch it but as the show has grown in popularity it became more about Jon & Kate and less about the kids and it came about going on a bunch of free trips and getting a lot of stuff for free. Now if I had 8 kids (which I have a feeling I would go crazy with 8) and someone offered me a tv gig do I think I would take it yeah I'm sure that helped them out with buying diapers and everything you need for 8 babies and its a hard thing to turn down. Would I have stayed on tv for as long no and I can honestly say this. I believe the kids need there privacy and the family. Could you imagine being those kids and having to go to school and all the other kids knowing what is going on in your family. That has to be so hard for them.

Do I feel sorry for Jon & Kate or am I sad they are going through this no I'm not. They made there choices and they saw what was going on between them. Do I feel sorry or sad for the kids YES. My heart goes out to the kids they are going to have to deal with this for years and years. Hopefully they'll have a peaceful and nice divorce for the kids sake but I'm doubting it.

On a happier note. lol. Noah is crawling and he's starting to pull up too. Where's has my baby gone. Here's a video of him crawling.