Thursday, May 28, 2009

Update on the McClain's

So I stink at updating this but I doubt anyone reads it anyway.

Hannah is going to be 6 in September!! Holy moly!! Where did the time go?!?! She graduated from 4 year pre-k a few weeks ago. At the end of school they took a test to see if they were ready to go to Kindergarten well Hannah got a perfect score!! The teacher told me that she could probably skip Kindergarten and go to first grade and she'll probably be bored in Kindergarten. I'm so proud of her!!

Austin well he's still Austin and ALL boy!! He always has me on my toes thats for sure. He'll start 3 year pre-k in August. Kinda sad about him going off to school but it'll be good for him and hopefully teach him how to share.

Noah is the sweetest, calmest baby!! He's now 7 months! He's sitting up, getting up on his knees and trying to crawl he does go a little ways but hasn't gotten the hang of it yet. Oh and he's almost 18 pounds. He's the biggest of them all. That boy loves to eat and if I'm eating he's going to want to eat whatever it is I'm eating.

Here's a few pictures of us at the beach a few weekends ago.


Motsy said...

I love the pictures! And how sad about Austin going off to preschool. I've been riding the fence on whether to put Asher in preschool actually. You need to keep this thing updated!