I forgot I had my blog for awhile so now I'm back and going to try to keep up with it. So while the kids watch the Fresh Beat band I'll update the blog. Since it's been over a year since my last post I'll do an update on everyone.
My name is Becky and I've been married to Duran for almost 8 years. Our anniversary is on March 8th. We've got 3 kids which they keep me so busy.
Hannah is the oldest. She's 7 (going on 17). She's in 1st grade and she is so smart. She must get it from me. LOL. She's on a 3rd grade reading level and she is always reading or drawing. She's in dance this year which she decided she didn't like it after I paid for her dance costumes so I told her she had to stick it out till May and do her performance and she won't have to take it again.
Austin is the sweetest boy unless you make him mad then not so much. He is about to turn 5 on Feb. 15th! He is the one who is going to give me the biggest problems with school. He loves cars, trucks, fire trucks, ambulances and police cars oh and can't forget Toy Story.
Noah is ALL boy. He is such a handfull and so loud. He's 2 and he's definitely in the terrible 2's. There is nothing he won't climb and jump off of. I see him being in a lot of trouble at school. He adores his big brother though. If Austin is playing with trucks he is right there with him and Austin watches out for him too.
That's about it for my update I hope to keep the blog up now and keep with it.
Monday, January 24, 2011
I'm back!
Posted by Becky2006 at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Psst… want to save up to $46?
Hey! I just learned a clean little secret about Lowe’s. They have quite the selection of cleaning products plus air and water filters to help keep your home spic and span inside and out. And they’re sending out up to $46 in savings so you can really clean up. Get your coupons before they’re gone! Go to vocalpoint.com/Lowes.
Posted by Becky2006 at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What's going on this week
Well its been awhile. I forget about this sometimes. Anyway, Sunday is Hannah's 6th birthday!! Holy cow where did the time go!! We are having her party at the lake again. So hopefully there is no rain. On Friday I'm going to take her to get her toenails and fingernails painted. She is so excited about that. She wanted Jonas Brothers theme but thankfully I got it changed to iCarly. So I just hope they have that stuff at the party store. fingers crossed. Hannah's doing great in school. On her progress reports she got S's in everything. She is starting to read a little too.
Posted by Becky2006 at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hannah's 1st day of school

Posted by Becky2006 at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I can't believe my baby is starting Kindergarten!!!! She'll start in less than 2 weeks next Thursday we have open house. I just can't believe how fast time went. I know she'll do great she picks up on stuff so fast. She is so excited too. She's ready to make new friends. When I ask her if she's ready for school she says yes and she's going to play on the playground, eat lunch and take a nap. LOL. Apparently that's all she thinks she'll have to do. I'm hoping she gets a good teacher who is actually there because she/he wants to be there for the kids not just a paycheck. Makes a difference.
Austin is going to be starting 3 year pre-k in about 3 weeks. I'm so ready for him to go. haha. He is seriously ALL boy. He's really into figuring out how things work and trying to fix stuff. Which means he's banging on our house.
Noah is getting to big to fast. He's pulling up and cruising. He's around 20 pounds now and he's wearing 12-18 months stuff. That boy LOVES to eat and he'll eat anything and everything. He's such a good baby. So different than Austin which I'm so thankful he wasn't like Austin. I'd go crazy I'm sure. I am excited about getting 3 days out of the week where it will be just me and Noah. I'm working on getting him on the schedule where he takes his longer naps in the morning and a short one in the afternoon since the kids will be getting out of school will mess up the nap.
Posted by Becky2006 at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Recipe
I made these last night and they were a big hit. Well except for Austin but Austin only eats a few things. They are called Fun Taco Cups my friend Amanda told me about them and she found them on kraftfoods.com
PRESS biscuits onto bottoms and up sides of 10 muffin cups; fill with meat mixture.
BAKE 15 min. Sprinkle with cheese; bake 2 to 3 min. or until melted.
Posted by Becky2006 at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
What's going on the next couple of weeks
Duran is going to be off for 2 weeks. I'm excited hopefully I'll be able to get some cleaning and organizing done and also we will be able to do some family things. Today we went to the mall I got 2 new shirts and a few things for the kids and then after lunch I went to the grocery store and got a lot of washing done. YAY!!! Tomorrow we are going over to his cousin's house and see his horses. Hannah wants to ride one but we'll see what she actually thinks when we get there. I can't forget my camera. Thursday we are going to watch the fireworks on base. Hannah is super excited as she says. I'm hoping Noah does okay through them. I'm sure we'll end up somewhere for the 4th. My grandpa wants to do something with the whole family.
Next week will be busy too. I need to get ready to start back teaching. Then on the 9th I'm going to court well probate court. My aunt and uncle are taking my dad there basically b/c they think my grandma had money. So there is no way I'm missing this. I'm so ready for that whole thing to be over with and we don't have to hear from them or see them again.
I'll be posting pictures I'm sure as the days goes by.
Posted by Becky2006 at 8:45 PM 0 comments